
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Being tough

Wow. This morning I was very angry and not sure why I was so filled with anger. I didn't want to let the anger go even though my friend was telling me "breathe let it go " I just couldn't. For some reason I wanted to hold onto that anger and make my day more uncomfortable for myself and others. See I'm human , I get angry at times. I lose my temper at times. I'm not perfect. Nobody is perfect and the ones who claim they are as fake as K2 and bath salts.

Why do we build a barrier? why? We build our life's from the moment we are conscious   of good and bad choices. We do bad things than want to put the blame on others. We ask for help but we don't help ourselves.

Only you will be there for yourself.

Why do people think God doesn't exist? living in a lifestyle filled with happiness and love seems more like a fantasy than a reality to most people. Its a real lifestyle and you chose which lifestyle you want.

You can be a closed minded arrogant weak person. Live your life miserable. Blame others for your actions. Or you can step up to the plate. And start being a person.

You make your life how it is . Open your eyes.

The problem is your afraid of emotions. You want to be tough. Being tough doesn't mean using your fists. That's childish behavior.

Being tough is being able to forgive yourself and others , being tough is taking responsibility for your actions , being tough is being able to solve problems and not create more. A person who lives by fighting dies. A city who fights each other falls. Being tough is helping your family , helping others , not judging others based on what you've heard.

Let your positive  emotions flow and forget about your negative thoughts or actions. Forgive yourself.

We make mistakes its natural. We are learning . No one knows everything about the world so don't act as if you do. Stop talking and start listening.

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